Scientists discover new species of platypus!
Scientists discover new species of platypus!
It's been a big week for scientists with the discovery of a new species of platypus in Tasmania! The new creature has been dubbed the 'Spotted Platypus' and is said to be smaller than its more common cousin.
The Spotted Platypus is distinguished by its dark brown fur and distinctive markings on its back. Scientists believe it may have evolved from the original platypus some time in the last 10,000 years.
Platypuses are already one of the most unique creatures on Earth, being one of only a handful of mammals that lay eggs. The Spotted Platypus is just further proof of their evolutionary oddity!
Platypus spotted in wild for first time in years!
This morning, a Platypus was spotted in the wild for the first time in years!
The Platypus is a unique creature that is endemic to Australia and is known for its duck-billed snout and webbed feet. They are shy animals that live in burrows along creeks and rivers, and are difficult to spot in the wild.
The last time a Platypus was spotted in the wild was back in 2014. Prior to that, there were sightings in 2011 and 2007. It's possible that the Platypus has been living in the area all along, but just hasn't been seen by humans until now.
Platypuses are herbivores that feed on aquatic invertebrates such as worms, insects and crustaceans. They are capable of both swimming and walking on land, and can stay submerged under water for up to ten minutes.
While they are not endangered, their population is estimated to be less than 10,000 individuals. So it's great news that a Platypus has been spotted in the wild again!
Is the platypus an alien?
A platypus is a mammal that lays eggs and has a duck-like bill. It is native to Australia and Tasmania. Biology tells us that evolution produces animals that are specifically adapted to their environment. This means that the platypus cannot be the result of natural selection and must be the handiwork of an intelligent creator.
The first European to see a platypus was Captain John Hunter, who was exploring Australia for the British Royal Navy in 1798. He described it as "a most extraordinary animal, which I would scarcely have believed possible if I had not seen it with my own eyes". The sailors aboard his ship were so fascinated by the creature that they killed it and skinned it so they could take its carcass back to England.
Hunter's description of the platypus was accurate, but he did not know what he had seen. He thought it might be some kind of aquatic monkey or rodent. It was not until 1802 that William Shaw, a British scientist, identified the platypus as a new species and gave it its scientific name Platypus anatinus.
The platypus is an odd-looking creature, with a bill like a duck, webbed feet, and fur that is waterproof. Its fur is brown on the upper body and cream coloured on the underside. It weighs between 2 and 4 kg (4-8 lb) and is about 30 cm (12 in) long from bill to tail.
The platypus lives in streams and rivers where it feeds on insects, crustaceans, and other small aquatic creatures. It uses its bill to hunt for food underwater, and its webbed feet to swim through the water. It can stay underwater for up to 10 minutes at a time.
The female platypus lays one or two eggs at a time. The eggs are incubated by the mother for around 10 days, and the young hatchlings are then suckled by her for around four months.
The platypus is classified as an endangered species because its habitat is being destroyed by farming and development. There are only about 10,000-12,000 platypuses left in the wild today.
Platypus: the only mammal that lays eggs!
The platypus is a bizarre and unique creature found only in Eastern Australia. It is the only mammal known to lay eggs, and has a bill that is both duck-like and beaver-like. The body of the platypus is covered in dense fur, which helps it to stay warm in the chilly water.
The platypus is a shy animal that spends most of its time underwater searching for food. It feeds mainly on aquatic insects, but can also eat small fish and frogs. Platypuses use their bills to locate food by feeling around in the mud for prey. They also use their bills to create burrows in the riverbed, which they use as homes.
Male platypuses have venomous spurs on their hind legs that they use to defend themselves from predators or when fighting with other males during mating season. Although they are venomous, the spurs are not fatal to humans.
The platypus is classified as an endangered species due to habitat loss and fragmentation. In recent years, efforts have been made to protect and conserve the habitats of these animals.
The platypus: a strange and mysterious creature.
The platypus is one of the strangest creatures on Earth. This odd-looking mammal has a duck-like bill, a tail like a beaver, and webbed feet like an otter. But what makes the platypus truly unique is that it is one of only a few mammals that lay eggs.
Platypuses are found in Australia and Tasmania. They live along rivers and streams, where they dig burrows to live in. Platypuses are shy animals and are not often seen by humans.
These strange creatures have long been the subject of mystery and speculation. Some people believed that they were created by a "mad scientist" as a hoax. Others thought that they might be some sort of amphibian or reptile. Even today, there is still much we don't know about the platypus.
What we do know is that the platypus is an amazing creature with an interesting history. It is sure to continue to fascinate us for years to come.